Thursday, July 14, 2011

Winner's Cake - Half Birthday

If you weren't my Facebook friend a few weeks ago, you missed the contest I had asking for help naming my cake decorating company.  The response I received was overwhelming.  I thought I'd get 10 or 12 ideas, but over 70 names came in.  Many of the ideas were so amazing others had already taken them.  I narrowed to 7, then 3, and finally one name. 

Thanks go to a friend whose joke idea was:  "FinishYerDamnDinnerSoYouC​"

My response was:  ""

After I really thought about it, the name Straight to Cake (So good, you'll skip dinner) was perfect, and luckily no one else was using it. 

The prize for coming up with the winning name (or in this case inspiring it)... an awesome cake.  The timing worked out that my friend's son was turning 4 1/2 and very excited about a half birthday.  So, I made him a half birthday cake using his favorite colors.  It's simple and silly, which I think is exactly what my friends were looking for. 


  1. I love it!!!! We used to celebrate half birthdays too!! Want to start that with my 1 year old!

  2. What do u do with the other half of the cake!? Seems like a waste to me... Unless u have a pan shaped like this... Just saying

  3. The cake is actually one round cake that you cut in half and put one half on top of the other. No waste, no special pan.

  4. Ok smart thinking. Lol. I Apparently wasn't when I wrote that lol

  5. What an awesome idea! Can't wait to try it out!

  6. This is a cute idea! We missed my son's birthday because we were moving. This will be perfect for him!

  7. just to let you know I stole your awesome idea for my step daughter but I missed her 4 and a half birthday mark so I did 4 and two thirds instead and cut out a third of the red velvet cake before decorating! she loved it too :-)

  8. Very nice idea. I'll do this for my kids!

  9. I love the story behind how you came up with your company name.
